2022-5-20, Bushy Hill Nature Preserve, Essex, CT
On 2022-5-20, I visited Bushy Hill Nature Preserve in Essex, CT, and the adjoining Platt Preserve, which is in both Essex and Westbrook.
I made an interactive map with location numbers. Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/feW48
Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.
1. A map kiosk near a small parking area that could hold maybe four cars.
6. I think the rough section on the bark of this American Beech was the result of a disease. The tree was dead.
11. Falls River.
12. Rocks.
13. Old Mountain Laurel.
10. Falls River.
9. Above Falls River.
8. Rocks on the far side of Falls River.
7. More rocks on the far side of Falls River.
5. A large White Oak.
3. The map kiosk at the Bushy Hill Road parking area had this message: "Additional parking and entrance can be found at the end of Oakledge Drive. Parking area marked in front of 25 Oakledge Drive and trail is marked." There were markers showing where the trail was, but the trail seemed to be little used. I saw some yellow blazes, wooden stakes with white tops, and a single red blaze marking the trail.
4. There was a paved rectangle in front of this sign that could hold two cars.
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