2022-5-10, Goodbody Preserve, Sharon, CT

 On 2022-5-10, I visited Goodbody Preserve in Sharon, CT.  Goodbody Preserve is a Sharon Land Trust Property, https://sharonlandtrust.org/ .

I made an interactive map of the preserve with location numbers.  Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/CPzfS0 .

Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.

1.  There was a grass parking area that could hold, perhaps, ten cars.  There was a "Sharon Land Trust Nature Trail" sign visible from the road if you were going northerly.

2.  I tried to identify this flowering shrub.  With iNaturalist.org, I came up with the identification of Jetbead, Rhodotypos scandens.  I read on Wikipedia that Jetbead is native to China, Korea, and maybe Japan.

2.  Note the opposite leaves.

2.  And opposite branches.

3.  I tried to identify this flower, also with iNaturalist.org.  The best I could do was American Groundsels and Ragworts, Genus Packera.

3.  The leaves near ground level.  Apparently the plant has leaves of different shapes.

3.  This plant apparently had blossoms that had not fully opened.

4.  At location 4, I came across a plant that appeared to be the same species as the plant at location 3, but with fully opened blossoms.

4.  The leaves near the ground seemed to be the same shape as the leaves near the ground on the plant at location 3.

5.  A view to the west, into New York and the town of Millerton.

5.  Near the bench at the view, there was a proliferation of these flowers.  There was the smell of honey in the air.  My guess, with the assistance of iNaturalist.org, was that this is Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias).  Cypress Spurge is native to Europe.

5.  Cypress Spurge.

5.  Cypress Spurge.  Note the distinctive foliage.

5.  A carpet of Cypress Spurge, I think.

6. A view to the east, towards Mudge Pond.

7.  The trail came back to the field that the trail started in.  The view here was to the south, I believe.

David Reik


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