On 2022-2-26 and 2022-2-27, I visited the Buell Forest area in Clinton, CT. I made an interactive map with location numbers. Here's a link to the map: https://arcg.is/1OPW98 . Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.
1. Where we parked on 2022-2-26 for a New Haven Hiking Club - Appalachian Mountain Club hike. This was at the west end a road called Taylor Ridge, or Taylor Ridge Road.
2. Where I parked on 2022-2-27, an unpaved parking area that could fit about five cars.
3. A large stream that apparently has no name. It's a tributary of the Indian River.
4. A view of the stream.
5. Another view of the stream.
6. I was on a dim trail that someone had sort-of marked with stones.
7. This was a broad thoroughfare.
8. There was a little Clinton Land Trust parking area at the north end of Cream Pot Road.
9. I crossed the stream on a power cut road. I used two sticks to balance on rocks.
10. There were lots of these bushes growing in the power cut. I thought they looked different from mountain laurel, but now I think they were mountain laurel bushes which looked different from mountain laurel bushes in the woods because they got much more sunlight.
10. Mountain laurel, I think.
10. I think the redness was caused by the sun.
11. This path in the power cut was rough.
12. Here, there was a gravel road in the power cut.
12. I explored a path to the north of the power cut.
13. Lots of thoroughfares in this area which is privately owned, but not posted with "No Trespassing" signs.
14. Another view of the brook.
15. A Fisher-Price table.
17. A view from above wetlands.
18. A stone fused with a rock.
19. Evidence of recent surveying in the area.
20. I was on a blue-blazed trail here. One of the few blow-downs on the Clinton Land Trust blazed trails.
21. The Clinton Land Trust sign was supine.
23. I made it, both on 2022-2-26 and 2022-2-27, across this pair of bridges.
23. More evidence of recent surveying.
26. A bit overgrown on this unblazed trail.
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