2022-1-25, Naugatuck State Forest, West Block

I have visited Naugatuck State Forest, West Block, many times since 2015.  Here, I'll present a selection of photos from over the years.  I'll try to show where each picture was taken on an interactive map on which I'll put location numbers.  Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/rOnbj1 .  Here's a screenshot of the interactive map.  You can get a map with the trail blazes shown at https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DEEP/stateparks/maps/NaugatuckWestBlockpdf.pdf .

1.  From a 2021-11-14 hike.  Some call this cascade "Surprise Falls."  This is on an indistinct, unblazed trail.

2.  Also from 2021-11-14.  A view from a red-blazed trail.

3.  Also from 2021-11-14.  From a blue-blazed trail that runs along one side of Spruce Brook.

4.  2021-11-21, another view from the blue-blazed trail along Spruce Brook.

4.  2021-11-14.

5.  A view from near a purple-blazed trail, also taken on 2021-11-14.  This is looking northerly.

5.  2021-11-14, looking southerly.

6.  A view of Reservoir 4 taken on 2020-10-31 from a teal-blazed trail.

4.  Another shot from 2020-10-31.

7.  A picture from 2020-10-31 of an access road that is sometimes drive-able, sometimes too filled with water-filled potholes to drive safely with most vehicles.

5.  On 2020-10-31, there was an American Flag at Location 5.

8.  From 2020-10-31.  A probably illegal quartz mine along a purple-blazed trail.

8. 2020-10-31.

8.  2020-10-31.

5.  Tom Ebersold, the man who initially blazed the trails.  This was taken on 2017-4-15.

Near 3 on 2017-4-15.  I think this is round-leaved yellow violet, Viola rotundifolia.

4.  From 2017-4-15.

9.  This is from 2016-12-27.  I'm standing behind Keith Wright on another Tom Ebersold-led Appalachian Mountain Club hike.  This is near a red-blazed trail.

10.  From a 2016-6-12 exploration led by Tom Ebersold.  I'm not sure if we were on a trail.

Near 3.  On the blue trail on 2016-6-12.

11, I think.  From the 2016-6-12 hike.  I think this is Pale corydalis, Corydalis sempervirens.

12.  From a 2015-12-3 exploration.  I think I was by myself.

13.  Another shot from the 2015-12-3 exploration.

10?  This was from the 2015-12-3 hike.

Here are some pictures from a solo hike on 2014-4-3.

Near 3. 

14.  A few hundred feet upstream from here, there are larger waterfalls that I tried to get to on 2014-4-3.

Near 14. As close as I could get on 2014-4-3 to a large waterfall.

15.  2014-4-3, a cascade on Spruce Brook.

Near 7, on the northeast side of Spruce Brook.  This old advertisement was shown on an informational display that I photographed on 2014-4-3.  The railroad sponsored a set of amusements to attract travelers.  

David Reik


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