2021-10-28, Saraceno Preserve, Haddam, CT

 On 2021-10-28, I visited Saraceno Preserve in Haddam, CT.  The preserve is owned by Haddam Land Trust.  I made an interactive map on the preserve with location numbers that I will refer to.  Here's the link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/1TvLae0 .  

Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.

3.  There was a lot of mountain laurel in the preserve.  Here's a scene along the trail, which was blazed with white blazes.

4.  Another scene along the white trail.

7.  Another scene along the white trail.

Near 7.  This was the most noteworthy blow-down I found along the white trail.

8.  At a high point in the preserve, off the trail, there was an outcropping of gray rock.


8.  The other side of the gray outcropping.

Maybe this old jail building,  about a three miles northerly on CT-154, was made from this same kind of rock.

6.  Here, the mountain laurel was encroaching on the trail to such an extent that it was hard to find the trail.

5.  A view to the west of a power cut.

2.  A sign said the preserve was donated in 1982.  This structure looks like it could have been built around 1982.  Is it intended to be a sort of picnic pavilion?

2.  The building from below.

1.  An informational kiosk next to the large, grass parking area.  On my computer, I can right-click on the image and open the image in another tab to see more detail.

1.  A view of the grass parking area from where I parked by the kiosk.  I was no sign for the preserve on CT-154.  There is a sign for the preserve on an unmarked gravel road.  The sign, at the entrance to the parking area, is about 77 feet from CT-154.

David Reik


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