2021-5-7, Bradley Park, Wilton, CT

 I visited Bradley Park in Wilton on 2021-5-6 and 2021-5-7.  I made an interactive map of Bradley Park with location numbers that I will refer to.  Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/0TWeqz

1.  Where I parked on 2021-5-6,  in a turning circle at the end of Oakledge Lane. 

2.  I took a picture of a Canada mayflower here.

3.  This observation pier, now in ruins, was once a prime attraction at Bradley Park.

Near 3.  This plaque was recently recovered from obscuring vegetation, I was told by a local.  Maybe the observation pier will be rebuilt.

4.  There was a yellow-blazed trail here that traveled through a field of boulders to a residential development of some kind.

5.  These flowers on an autumn olive plant (an invasive shrub) had a nice smell.  This was at the end of another trail that led to a residential development.

6.  One of the few fallen trees on the Bradley Park trails.  This was a big American beech tree.


7.  I took pictures of a common weed here, ground-ivy, Glechoma hederacea.  It looked like you could park near here, at the east end of Old Farm Road.



8.  Some trails on out-of-date maps of Bradley Park show trails near here that have been discontinued.

9.  Some species of violet next to a boardwalk.

10.  A map kiosk here.

11.  This seemed to be the main entrance to Bradley Park.  Maybe 7 cars could park along a dirt pull-off on the side of  Oakledge Lane.

David Reik


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