2021-3-24, Phillips Farm, New Hartford, CT

 On 20221-3-24, I visited Phillips Farm in New Hartford.  Here's a link to an interactive map I made of the area that shows the GPS Waypoints I recorded that I will refer to in this blog post: https://arcg.is/1uifGy

Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map:

039.  This map was posted on a kiosk next to a parking lot.

039.  The QR code on the map takes you to this defunct web address: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/economic-development-commission/pages/hikingwalking .  A more helpful address is this one: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif961/f/uploads/phillipsfarm_trail_map.pdf .  This address takes you to a list of links to New Hartford trail maps: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/recreation-department/pages/hikingwalking-trail-maps

044.  A beaver marsh view.

045.  A beaver residence is visible in this picture.

048.  Can you see the two Canada geese?  They're to the right of the beaver residence.

049.  This picture is very significant because it shows why you probably don't want to hike many of the Phillips Farm trails if the temperature is above freezing.  When I was there, the trails in the woods were not completely cleared  ---- there were saplings about two feet high that were sticking up in the trails.  When I was there, many of these saplings harbored ticks which got onto my clothing as I walked past.

050.  A view to the east, I think.

David Reik


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