2021-3-24, Phillips Farm, New Hartford, CT
On 20221-3-24, I visited Phillips Farm in New Hartford. Here's a link to an interactive map I made of the area that shows the GPS Waypoints I recorded that I will refer to in this blog post: https://arcg.is/1uifGy Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map: 039. This map was posted on a kiosk next to a parking lot. 039. The QR code on the map takes you to this defunct web address: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/economic-development-commission/pages/hikingwalking . A more helpful address is this one: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif961/f/uploads/phillipsfarm_trail_map.pdf . This address takes you to a list of links to New Hartford trail maps: https://www.newhartfordct.gov/recreation-department/pages/hikingwalking-trail-maps 044. A beaver marsh view. 045. A beaver residence is visible in this picture. 048. Can you see the two Canada geese? They're to the right of the bea...