2021-1-30, St. Francis Woods Trail, Madison, CT
On 2021-1-30, I visited the St. Francis Woods Trail in Madison, CT, another Madison Land Conservation Trust creation. I made an interactive map of St. Francis Woods Trail with location numbers. Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.
3. This was behind a tree about 100 feet from St. Francis Woods Road. The bottle of pink-lemonade-flavored vodka was full. A very cold, drunken party may have been planned.
4. You can find more information about the St. Francis Woods Trail and this cemetery at http://www.madisonlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MLCT_St_Francis_Woods.pdf . I was interested to learn that, "The first person buried here was Demetrius Crompton. Forest hikers might learn from his demise—he was killed by a falling tree limb." An unblazed trail led from the blue trail to a bench in a mown patch of ground to the west of the cemetery. A plaque on the bench said it was in memory of Richard C. Donnelly.
5. On my return trip I took a picture of this partially frozen small stream.
David Reik
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