2021-1-30, Indian Rock Shelters Trail, Madison, CT
On 2021-1-30, I visited Indian Rock Shelters Trail in Madison, CT. The trail is another creation of Madison Land Conservation Trust. I made an interactive map with location numbers. Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.
Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/DiX5C
1. Where I parked in the turning circle at the west end of Lake Drive.
2. A rock shelter that actually afforded some sort of shelter. Note the layers of different sorts of rock.
2. Proof that I was there again on 2021-2-21. Left to right Greg the World Traveler, Mark from Orange, Susan (I think), Jeanine who taught in Guilford, and Denise from Branford, David Reik
3. On 2021-2-21, I attended a New Haven Hiking Club hike that included a visit to Indian Rock Shelters Preserve. Here's our leader.
3. A close-up from 2021-2-21.
David Reik
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