2021-1-30, Indian Rock Shelters Trail, Madison, CT

 On 2021-1-30, I visited Indian Rock Shelters Trail in Madison, CT.  The trail is another creation of Madison Land Conservation Trust.  I made an interactive map with location numbers.  Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map.

Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/DiX5C

1.  Where I parked in the turning circle at the west end of Lake Drive.

2.  A rock shelter that actually afforded some sort of shelter.  Note the layers of different sorts of rock.

2.  Proof that I was there.

2.  Proof that I was there again on 2021-2-21.  Left to right Greg the World Traveler, Mark from Orange, Susan (I think), Jeanine who taught in Guilford, and Denise from Branford, David Reik 

3.  I don't think this rock formation would actually give much shelter, but it had lots of different layers and strange shapes.


3.  Some of the shapes looked like they were formed by water.


3.  On 2021-2-21, I attended a New Haven Hiking Club hike that included a visit to Indian Rock Shelters Preserve.  Here's our leader.

3.  A close-up from 2021-2-21.

4.  Actually, I would call "Sunset Lake" a pond.

David Reik


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