On 2020-11-25, I discovered a cellar hole in West Hartford on Metropolitan District Commission land.
Do you see the depression in the center of the picture? I think it is what's left of a cellar hole, built maybe in the early 19th century. Location on www.openstreetmap.org: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/877690233 .
Here I am standing in the cellar hole.
I found the cellar hole by using LIDAR imagery available from UConn. The image below is a screenshot from an interactive ArcGIS map I made. A is a still-in-use trail. B is an old thoroughfare mostly visible only on LIDAR. C is the cellar hole. D is a faint thoroughfare to the cellar hole visible only on LIDAR. On my interactive map, you can turn on and off various layers including LIDAR, photographic aerial imagery, my GPS track and Waypoints. Here's a link to my interactive map:
http://arcg.is/54KCu0 .
David Reik
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