2020-7-19, Swan Preserve and Tilton Pond, Canton, CT

On 2020-7-19, I visited Swan Preserve and Tilton Pond in Canton, CT.  Swan Preserve is a Canton Land Conservation Trust property, https://www.cantonlandtrust.org/ .  Tilton Pond is on private property.  My route from the preserve to the pond was off-trail, on private property.

The hike was a Hartford Area Hikers hike conceived of by Lori Davison.  Hikers were to focus on fungus.

I made an interactive map which shows my GPS track in pink.  The black, three-digit numbers are the GPS Waypoints I recorded where I took the pictures below.  Here's a link to the interactive map: http://arcg.is/1WHDSG1 .  Below is screenshot of the interactive map.

Waypoint 001.









008  Fan Clubmoss, Diphasiastrum digitatum, I think.

008  Fan Clubmoss, Diphasiastrum digitatum, I think.


010.  A hilly section on the new white-blazed Ted Cowles Trail.  Ted Cowles was a long-time active member of Canton Land Conservation Trust.  He died this Spring of COVID-19.


012.  A large yellow birch.

013.  Perhaps a fungus has deformed this mushroom.

014.  I am off-trail here.  What kind of rock is that behind me?


016.  Note that this mushroom has pores, rather than gills, on the underside of its cap.


017.  There was a lot of rock like this which seemed to have nuggets of quartzite.

018.  There was also a lot of scintillant rock like this.


019.  I bushwhacked to Tilton Pond.  I swam in Tilton Pond around July 1 in 1969.

David Reik


  1. awesome pictures, as usual! I love the fact that you know you swam in the pond in 1969!


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