2020-7-19, Swan Preserve and Tilton Pond, Canton, CT
On 2020-7-19, I visited Swan Preserve and Tilton Pond in Canton, CT. Swan Preserve is a Canton Land Conservation Trust property, https://www.cantonlandtrust.org/ . Tilton Pond is on private property. My route from the preserve to the pond was off-trail, on private property.
The hike was a Hartford Area Hikers hike conceived of by Lori Davison. Hikers were to focus on fungus.
I made an interactive map which shows my GPS track in pink. The black, three-digit numbers are the GPS Waypoints I recorded where I took the pictures below. Here's a link to the interactive map: http://arcg.is/1WHDSG1 . Below is screenshot of the interactive map.
Waypoint 001.
David Reik
awesome pictures, as usual! I love the fact that you know you swam in the pond in 1969!