2020-7-26, Tanager Woods, Penwood State Park, Simsbury, CT
On 2020-7-26, I hiked a 6.6-mile route in the Simsbury Land Trust Tanager Woods preserve, and Penwood State Park. Here's a link to an interactive map I made showing my route and where my pictures were taken: http://arcg.is/0TKW9q . I'll put in location numbers to show where the pictures below were taken. Here's a static screen shot of the interactive map. 1. Work is ongoing in the power cut. Note the heavy timbers that have been put down to allow heavy equipment to get through without sinking into the soil. I didn't hear any work going on, so I proceeded on my route, shown in pink on the interactive map. 2. It looks like wooden poles were replaced with metal poles. 2. The old wooden poles and assorted stuff to do with power lines. 3. This mushroom along an obscure white-blazed trail was about three-quarters-of-an-inch high. 4. A big dead tree (white oak?) where the white trail turns from northerly to easterly....