2022-2-27, Buell Forest, Clinton, CT
On 2022-2-26 and 2022-2-27, I visited the Buell Forest area in Clinton, CT. I made an interactive map with location numbers. Here's a link to the map: https://arcg.is/1OPW98 . Here's a static screenshot of the interactive map. 1. Where we parked on 2022-2-26 for a New Haven Hiking Club - Appalachian Mountain Club hike. This was at the west end a road called Taylor Ridge, or Taylor Ridge Road. 2. Where I parked on 2022-2-27, an unpaved parking area that could fit about five cars. 3. A large stream that apparently has no name. It's a tributary of the Indian River. 4. A view of the stream. 5. Another view of the stream. 6. I was on a dim trail that someone had sort-of marked with stones. 7. This was a broad thoroughfare. 8. There was a little Clinton Land Trust parking area at the north end of Cream Pot Road. 9. I crossed the stream on a power cut road. I used two sticks to balance ...