2020-12-15, Earle Park, Glastonbury, CT
On 2020-12-15, I visited the Earle Park area in Glastonbury, CT. I parked in a parking lot that appeared to be owned by the American Legion and that used to serve the now permanently closed Audubon Center. I first went to the Connecticut River and then northerly from Earle Park, back to Earle Park, and then southerly to Roaring Brook, and back to Earle Park. I made an interactive map showing where I went. The numbers are GPS Waypoints I recorded at the pictures below. Here's a link to the interactive map: https://arcg.is/1bHbH40 . Here's a static screenshot of the Earle Park area of my interactive map. Here's a static screenshot of the northern part of my interactive map. Here's a static screenshot of the southern part of my interactive map. 010. This was still in the Meadow Hill Condominium Association garden. 011. 014. This is one in a series of similar towers along the banks of the Connecticut River. Are they for boat ...