2020-8-26, Tunxis Blue-White-Dot Trail Part Two, Harwinton and Burlington, CT
On 2020-8-26, I went back to the Tunxis Blue-White-Dot Trail to inspect the sections I did not get to on 2020-8-25. I'll put in a map with location numbers to show where these pictures were taken. Here's a screenshot of the northern section of the map. Here's a screenshot of the southern section of the map. Here's a link to the interactive map where you can pan around, and zoom in and out. http://arcg.is/ne1Gr 1. This was between the parking and the gate at the north end of Blueberry Hill Road. Maybe the blowdown was dragged here to discourage ATVs. 2. A little overgrown near here. 3. 12-inch blowdown 16 inches high. 4. 12-inch blowdown 20 inches high. 5. It looked like someone did a lot of chainsaw work here within the last two weeks. Update: Tom Burkholder and Ellie Pelletier did the clearing ---- a tricky job because of the height of the branches. 6. A bit overgrown near here. 6. A large healthy looking hemlock tr...